الأخبار 2023-09-28T02:42:46+00:00

ستات ايرو لاقامة مركز تدريب الطائرات بدون طيار في المملكة العربية السعودية

Strat Aero PLC a UK based company and Alnahdi Aviation Technologies establishes a UAV training center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The UAV training center will provide comprehensive training for military and civilian UAS pilots and sensor operators, which [...]

By | ديسمبر 20th, 2017|Categories: أخبار|0 Comments

مرحباً بكم في موقع النهدي لتقنية الطيران

Welcome to Alnahdi Aviation new website. Alnahdi Aviation Technologies is a professional Airport Operating and Servicing company. Providing cost-effective services and maintenance solutions to Commercial Airlines, Private Operators, and Military stations throughout the region. Alnahdi Aviation Technologies services include Passenger Boarding [...]

By | يونيو 19th, 2017|Categories: أخبار|0 Comments

معرض صالة الركاب أمستردام 2017

Over 350 industry leaders from airlines, airports, aviation authorities, governments and related businesses will again be sharing their insight and innovations through a comprehensive range of conference streams focused on airport terminals. Exhibition visitors can also access key IATA representatives [...]

By | يونيو 19th, 2017|Categories: أخبار|0 Comments